Friday, March 9, 2012

THE ANISA REBELLION: AN AMERICAN UPRISING Our Manifesto- (The short version)

This American Uprising is not a revolution.
 It is a peaceful, yet determined rebellion!

We are not hoping to overthrow the government of the United States of America, nor do we wish to establish a new form of government. Our goal is to rid our government of the material, philosophical, legal and ideological barriers that are preventing it from functioning properly, including removing people from their positions and prosecuting crimes. By functioning properly, we mean, to function according to the literal and accepted interpretation of the Constitution of the United States of America that is familiar to, and understood and accepted by most American citizens. 

Based upon what we believe has been a departure from the true meaning of the US Constitution by our government and it’s adaptation of foreign ideas, objectives, policies and positions, including allowing government appointees, elected officials and employees to make pledges of loyalty to foreign countries and powers. The United States of America, in our opinion, and based upon the following facts, has ceased to act as an independent and sovereign country of, for and by the people. It has failed to serve as a representative government, and has become dysfunctional, politically paralyzed, and overburdened with un-payable debt.  It has declared war on terrorism against the US citizen, which is an act of treason.

We believe that among other things the government’s list of failures are as follow: 

The passage of laws by our Congress that brazenly violate the US Constitution and that jeopardize the very foundation of our society as a society of equal citizens enjoying equal inalienable rights, among which are rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

They established an “Imperial” presidency that confers almost monarchial powers upon the President that are not provided by the US Constitution and some that are in fact the duties conferred upon other branches of government by the Constitution, and they have wrongly abdicated their power to the presidency. Most notable in this respect is the War Powers Act which allowed the president to declare war when the Constitution says only the US Congress has the power to declare war. 

They have passed laws granting the president of the United States the power to arbitrarily declare citizens enemies of the state without due process, or just cause, and to order their assassination by agents of the government and military. 

They have introduced and passed laws that strip citizens of the Constitutional protections of the law, allowing for arbitrary detainment ordered by the president that would deprive citizens of liberty without a legal charge or even a trial, or opportunity to defend against charges and face an accuser. This includes laws that allow secret evidence to enter courts and to be used to charge and convict citizens, while depriving them of the rights to defend against such accusations.  

They have engaged in illegal wiretapping and invasion of citizen’s privacy for the sole purpose of intimidation and chilling rights of free speech, rights to organize and assemble, and to voice dissent.

They have sought and acted to create an unconstitutional branch of government called Czars, who have been granted powers by the state without being elected or consent of the people. 

They have contracted out US monetary policy and the printing of US currency to a private institution that is not regulated and not under the oversight of the US Congress or the people.

Establishment of an unfair tax law that favors the rich and punishes the middle class and the poor.  

Established racist laws that have led to huge numbers of racial minorities being imprisoned with unfairly long sentences, while criminals from the elite go free or get soft sentences.

They have squandered trillions in our tax dollars on illegal and ill-advised wars, waged war under false pretenses and outside any Constitutional guidelines, while allowing torture and the establishment of secret prisons in foreign countries, kidnappings and targeted assassinations of American citizens. 

They financially bankrupted the country and attempted to cover it up by stealing from social security and  attempting to deprive citizens access to food stamps and other tax payer funded entitlement programs.

The courts passed laws that deprived citizens of basic rights such as the Patriot Act while also writing decisions that sought to eliminate the constitutionally mandated separation of powers.  They granted person hood to corporations and as an effect, silenced the US citizen, depriving us of the ability to effectively lobby our government. 

The formulation of a US foreign policy that counters the interests of the USA and that is being formulated in the interests and to accommodate the strategic agenda of a foreign power.

This list represents only a few of the possibly high crimes and misdemeanors that are ongoing in our government and that has given rise to a peaceful but determined response from the people of this country that we are calling an American Uprising and the Anisa Rebellion. 

Our goal is to use our numbers, will and strong resolve to undo these actions and to hold those accountable who have participated in the undermining of the US Constitutions, the arbitrary and unconstitutional restructuring of our administrative branch with the creation of a new branch of government, such as Czars, the attempt to establish a monarchical type presidency, and to assassinate, kidnap and arbitrarily detain and torture US citizens, all while creating and increasing an amount of debt for the country that cannot be paid.  

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